Online CFF Application
Fill in the details below and we'll show you how much you can save and how we can help your business get ahead. If you prefer, you may download our PDF version for offline completion & then email it to

Statement(s) of Position

Other (if any)

To assist us in future marketing:
Where did you first learn about us (Cash Flow Funding / CFF)

Authority for CFF to obtain certain credit information

I/we authorise CFF to obtain from a credit reporting agency a credit report containing:

  • Personal information about me in relation to personal or commercial credit provided to me
  • Information about my business and/or commercial activities or commercial credit worthiness in relation to personal or commercial credit provided to me.

All offers received from CFF will be subject to Personal Guarantees from Directors & Trusts.

Authorised signatures of all Principals / Directors / Shareholders / Partners

Use your mouse or stylus to sign.